How to Manage Eczema
There are a number of ways in which you can manage eczema for both children and adults.
- Keep fingernails short to prevent scratching from breaking the skin and wear cotton mitts or gloves at night
- Wearing 100 per cent cotton or soft fabrics – avoiding rough, scratchy fibres and tight clothing
- Using rubber gloves with cotton liners
- Having lukewarm baths and showers
- Using hypoallergenic products and avoiding anything perfumed
- Gently patting, not rubbing, the skin dry with a soft towel
- Applying a moisturiser within three minutes after bathing to “lock in” the moisture
- Keep fingernails short to prevent scratching from breaking the skin and wear cotton mitts or gloves at night
- Avoiding rapid changes of temperature and activities that raise a sweat
- Reducing dust mites
- Using sensitive skin washing powders and detergents.
- Reducing daily stress
- Learning your eczema triggers and how to avoid them
- Developing and maintaining a daily skin routine
For help managing eczema at day care or school, download a School Pack or Call 0800 300 182 and we will send you a copy.
Eczema School Packs
The following publications are supplied free of charge; however, a donation to help with costs would be very much appreciated.
Letter to My School
Eczema School Pack
Understanding Eczema Multiple Languages*
- Understanding Eczema (English)
- الاكزيما التفاهم (Understanding Eczema – Arabic)
- 了解湿疹 (Understanding Eczema – Chinese)
- SỰ HIỂU BIẾT ECZEMA (Understanding Eczema – Vietnamese)
- *These pages have been translated using Microsoft Translator
EAA 25 Years Survey
More Detail
- EANZ brochure ‘Caring for your Eczema’
- EANZ eczema care plan
- Infections & Eczema
- Dry skin and the fliaggrin gene
- Bleach Bath
- Emollients
- Steroid Creams
- Red Skin Syndrome
- Adults who have eczema
- Teenage who have eczema
- Children who have eczema
Other Health Professional Links
- ASCIA (Australasian Society of Clinical Immunology and Allergy Limited)
- The Australasian College of Dermatologists (ACD)
- Australian Dermatology Nurses’ Association
- Australian Natural Therapists Association (ANTA)
- Pharmacy Guild of Australia
- Australian Traditional Medicine Society (A.T.M.S)
- Dieticians Association of Australia (DAA)
- MIMS Consumer Health Group
- Allergy Medical Group
Other Eczema Support Groups
- Eczema Association of Australasia (AUS)
- National Eczema Society (UK)
- National Eczema Association (USA)
- Itchy Kids (NZ)